The following is a list of catch up questions that I’ve collected over the years. I’ve always found it helpful to review this and a pick a couple relevant ones before a catch up I have with my reports or with my manager.

About Manager

  • What is one thing you would recommend I do to be a better communicator?
  • What do you need most from me right now?
  • In which areas of your work would you like more or less direction from me?
  • At what point in the past week were you most frustrated with or discouraged by your work? What can I do to help you manage that?
  • In what ways, if any, can I provide better or more feedback to help you succeed?
  • As your manager, what would you like me to stop, start, or continue doing?
  • What would you like to see change about these discussions? How could we make them more useful for you?
  • As your manager, what could I do more of to help you make progress toward your goals?

Career Development

  • What aspects of a given project make you excited and motivated to work on it? What aspects are less interesting for you?
  • A year from now, what do you hope to have accomplished that will help advance your career?
  • Are there any projects you’d really like to work on if you were given the opportunity?
  • What can I do to help you grow in your career?
  • Who in the company would you like to learn from? What do you want to learn?
  • What is one aspect of your job you would like more help or coaching with?
  • What are the new things you learned at work lately? What are the areas you want to learn about?
  • In what ways is your current work helping to advance your career? In what ways is it hindering advancement?
  • Which of your career or development goals is it hardest for you to focus on right now?

Job Satisfaction

  • What are three things that might make your job more enjoyable? How might we experiment to try to make at least one of these a reality?
  • What sorts of behavior shifts might help us improve team dynamics?
  • What part of your job do you wish you didn’t have to do?
  • Do you feel over-worked, under-worked, or just the right workload?
  • Which of your recent accomplishments are you most proud of? Do you feel appreciated for it?
  • What is your least favorite part of your role? How might that affect your overall performance?
  • What’s a recent situation you wish you handled differently? What would you change?
  • What has either been helping you, or preventing you from doing your best work lately?
  • What aspect of your current work is most interesting to you? Why?
  • What’s an area of your work you want to improve? How can we work together on that?
  • What might be holding you back from growing in your role?
  • What’s your No. 1 problem right now? How are you feeling about it?
  • What aspect of your role keeps you learning and feeling challenged at work?
  • What do you want to do but don't feel like you have the time for?
  • What are your biggest concerns about your current project(s)?
  • How would you characterize the dynamics and working relationships on our team? What works well and what doesn't?
  • How does your work align with your personal purpose?


  • How can I improve the situation without putting myself at the center?
  • Do you have any advice on how I can manage my relationship with XYZ?
  • Does XYZ get along well with others? Wondering if the problem is really with them or if it’s really with me.

Team and Company

  • What's one thing that would be outrageous not to do in the next quarter, as a team or as a company?
  • Which of your peers are you least comfortable giving feedback to? Why do you think that might be?
  • How would you say we're working together as team? What makes you say that?
  • Are there any aspects to how work gets divided among team members that you would change?
  • Which areas would like more feedback on?
  • Are there any meetings or discussions you feel you should be a part of that you’re not? Are you included in any you don’t want to be a part of?
  • What kinds of resources do you wish you had access to, that you don't have right now?
  • Who on the team inspires you? Whose opinions do you respect? What have they done?
  • What are we not doing that we should be doing, as a team or a company?
  • What kind of communication or information do you wish you had more of?
  • What's the biggest opportunity that we aren't thinking about, as a team or as a company?
  • How would you describe our team's communication style? What could we do to improve it?

Working remotely

  • Have you noticed any changes to your stress or energy levels lately?
  • How have you been maintaining meaningful connections with your work friends and colleagues while working remotely?
  • What changes should we make to improve how our team is communicating and collaborating?
  • What new challenges have come up from working remotely that you didn't face while working in the office?
  • What projects or tasks are being blocked or impacted by working remotely?
  • Do you have all of the access and equipment you need to work effectively from home?
  • What new challenges have come up from working remotely that you didn't face while working in the office?

Work Life

  • Stepping back, what aspects of your work routine do you think are working best? What aspects could use rethinking?
  • What does an ideal day of work look like to you? What's blocking you from having more of those?
  • What were your biggest time-wasters or roadblocks since we last met?
  • How can we better connect your work to your personal purpose?
  • What should we change to make these check-ins most useful for you?
  • What do you do when you feel low energy or unmotivated?
  • What's one thing you would change about your work that would positively impact your well-being?
  • What are the most important things you will focus on before we meet next?